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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  January 21, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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yuh-huh. we have the wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. at&t.
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(male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now.breaking news at eight o- >> pam: a massive search is underway for suspects in oakland. after a report of an officer-involved shooting. it happened about an hour and a half ago on the 17- hundred block seminary
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avenue. near east 17th street in oakland. kron-4's dan kerman is live on the scene. with what we know. dan? >> we can see about three blocks down the that is the 1700 block of seminary there are a lot of information that is not confirmed. it is an officer involved in shooting. there are several suspects with high-powered weapons. oakland police are awakening to the area looking for those suspects at this time. as far as victims? we do not have as mannumber of victims. oakland police are-aware-and scouring the area looking for suspects these three blocks for and right
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now, we are at the 2002 hundred block of seminary. >> pam: let me ask you, dan. our police going door to door? for the police going door-to-door >> reporter: we are just three blocks away and if they are doing that it is not the sum and that i can see from this location of. it is very possible. not something-that i can see from this location but we are prevented from getting any closer. >> pam: dan, thank you and of course traffic is impacted because of that add this to operate scott rates. >> i have been speaking to and neighbors. they have been trying to figure out what is going on from where i am. i am just a little bit
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away from mark danon is. they have blocked this away. and the d e a agents are also here. also, the neighbors say it that the crime in this neighborhood of oakland is becoming a big problem and something needs to be done. >> it is time now for the officers to really take heed of what is happening in our city it is like a war zone and now, it is a war zone. >> reporter: i will continue to speak with these neighbors of of this officer involve the shooting. remove from this to you for this newscast for scott rates, kron 4 will bring the latest from you (music)"obama's on fire."
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>> pam: it is happening right now in washington: the first couple making the rounds of the inaugural balls. celebrating as president obama begins his second term. alicia keyes, jennifer hudson and stevie wonder among the performers tonight. you are looking live at the festivities in washington d-c. where the country is celebrating the inauguration of president barrack obama. here in san francisco. gamany items there are several evenings fall of celebrations. gay rights advocates are also celebrating. in his inaugural address, the gay community heard words never before spoken by
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>> "our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well." >> pam: the president spoke those words with the entire u=s supreme court seated just a few feet away. those same justices are due to rule on california's voter= approved ban on same sex marriage. supporters of gay marriage tell kron four, they have new optimism. >> "proposition 8 is about to go to the supreme court. they rely heavily on public sentiment. and this is our president bringing us into the fold, saying these people matter in a "we, the people" situation: in our country, our relationships matter. so for me it's important that he talks about that before we make it to the supreme court." >> pam: the high court announced last month, it will consider proposition- eight this term. it has until june to make a ruling.
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>> two home invasions, within one hour of one another, in two upscale neighborhoods in piedmont. both robberies happened early this morning. kron 4's reggie kumar tells us. investigators still don't know if the two are connected. >> the robbery suspects attempted tbreak into this but they were scared off by a doctor. the suspects decided to run out and kick in the door of another home. this totally couple lives in this home. two of the suspects pointed a rifle and told them to lay down. the suspects ransacked the home and demanded money but got away with a computer monitor and a jewelry box. this neighbors lives right across the street and a couple is doing ok. >> their old and they're not quite shaken off their two children are whiff of them. they have had plenty of time
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to recover. they are now offer eight >> reporter: 30 minutes later, there was another home invasion on this street. two victim's were home at the time. one of them was holding a hand gun. a female suspect was waiting in the getaway car. as a great horse over s u v. similar to a suburban with front end damage -- silver or white van s u v --. >> pam: new tonight at eight. the san rafael police department is asking for the public's help, in identifying a man who violently robbed a north bay business this past weekend. kron 4's charles clifford has details. >> reporter: according to
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police, around 7pm saturday evening, this man robbed variedades cellular, a cell phone and checking cashing business in san rafael. he was also carrying a gun during the robbery and police say he fired at least one shot at store employees. now we also have surveillance video of the here you can see the man entering the store. he's wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and he's holding the gun in his left hand. he also appears to have a glove on that hand. there were three employees in the store at the time, the suspect points the gun at them and apparently starts demanding money. the employees actually retreat into a back room that has a door with bullet proof glass. from this different angle you can see the suspect trying to hide his face. he still pointing the gun at them. finally the man tries to go around the counter, the employees move into the back room and this is when police say he fired at least
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one shot, narrowly missing the employees. the suspect then flees from the store. having a heavy build, he's between 5'6" and 5'10" tall, african american, he's in his late 20s or early 30s, and he was wearing a black sweatshirt at the time of and ananyone with information is asked to call the san rafael police department. the newsroom, charles clifford kron 4 news. if >> is going to be another chilly start with once again, nice. what we're waking up to temperatures in the north bay. 30's for napa. 40's through san jose but it is going to be gorgeous 50s through los gatos. mainly low 60s. 63 through napa. we do have
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changes in the forecast. with rainfall returning. it details on that, coming up. >> pam: instead of 'buying' back guns today, marin officials asked residents to voluntarily hand over their weapons . after running out of money during a similar event last week. here you can see video from last tuesday's buy back. so many firearms were surrendered, that the county spent its budgeted money in the first 90- minutes. and then handed out 60-thousand dollars worth of i-o-u's. kron 4's maureen kelly reports. today's turnout was much smaller without the cash incentive. but netted some big guns nonetheless. >> reporter: one of the first weapons turned in mondaywas this ar-15 assault rifle.exactly the type of firearm marin county officials were hoping for. >> when we respond to a call if this weapon is involved it is extremely dangerous >> reporter: the person who
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surrendered it.also gave up a shotgun,.motiviated in part by the recent mass shootings. >> the entire culture of violence every where. >> this was a 22 caliber small but still dangerous smallest weapon turned ina 22 caliber one shot pen gun.littlebut still one man brought in his late step fathers's handgunsstill loaded. in all the county collected 29 firearms mondaywhich added to last week's count comes to a total of 856 guns expected to be destroyed. the d-a is grateful for every oneno matter the size, the age or the caliber. maureen kelly kron4 news.
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>> pam: still ahead at eight. celebrating the life of dr martin luther king. the local events in the bay area. and how he was recognized during today's inaugural parade. cheering on the 49ers as they get ready to head to the super bowl. how much it will cost you to make the trip.. and later, an iconic video game company filing for bankruptcy. how atari hopes to remake itself to keep up with changing technology. we continue to monitor this breaking news of officer involved in shooting. this is from abc's seven all our helicopter partnership showing you live aerial shots we will keep you updated and be back.
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>> pam: this is our live picture from oakland we continue to monitor breaking news. this officer involved shooting and we have confirmation that a police officer has been shot in the arm. the injury is a non a life-threatening. police are swarming this area. it is happening in the 1700's blocked of seminary... >> pam: today, americans across the bay and the nation honoring civil rights leader, drf. martin luther king junior. he played a significant role in advancing african - american and human rights through non- violence and
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civil disobedience in the 19- sixties. until his assasination in 1968. for thousands of people here in the bay area, the tribute to doctor king began with a train ride today.. kron four's rob fladeboe was among those aboard the annual freedom train for >> reporter: long live the dream. and long were the lines here at diridon station in san jose for caltrains annual holiday tribute to the late civil rights leader. hundreds of people packed a pair of trains from san jose to san francisco on a bright clear morning with not one but two occasions to celebrate. for some, riding the freedom train has become an annual tradition. others rode for the first time. an on-going history lesson.
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>> we listened to his speech. it was pretty amazing and i feel very inspired. >> i do not know about anybody else but i think it was great. >> reporter: the freedom train picked up momentum and more passengers in palo alto as it rolled on north toward san francisco where the freedom riders would take part in a march and rally with the theme. >> long live the dream in san jose rob fladeboe >> reporter: kron 4 news >> this mlk-day marks the 84th birthday of the slain civil rights there were celebrations throughout the bay area honoring dr. special event featured an art contest for grade school students.kron4's haaziq madyun gives you a close look at their art-work (cheers & applause) >> reporter: to celebrate the 50 year anniversary of martin luther king's i have a dream speeachthese outstanding art pieces were
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submitted by bay area elementary, middle and high school students for the dream at 50 art contest here at the yerba buena gardens art center in san francisco >> "one of the big things we look at is for the kids to be able to express themselves through art, and express the vision of king through art" >> reporter: some of the young artists talk about the aspects of martin luhther king's dream speech that inspired their drawings >> "i put the president in the piece" the symbol of the quality. >> "in the dream bubble it has to hands" eqaullity.... >> helps me think through things" using sign language in the heart and art piece.
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>> reporter: these are some of the prizes awarded to students in the dream at 50 contestin addition to first place winners and their teachers being awarded cash prizes up to $250.00 in san francisco-haaziq madyun, kron 4 news >> martin luther king's presence was certainly felt during the inauguration of president obama today. a float featuring the late civil rights leader was part of the inagural parade. and the president took the oath of office by placing his hand on a bible once owned by king. >> it was a beautiful day for the bay area. we are going to continue to see those who chilly temperatures, overnight. patchy fog in the north bay valleys. we are expecting plenty of sunshine as the go for the afternoon taking a look at futurecast plenty of 40's and '50's. as we go for the overnight hours we could see some morning lows.
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freezing temperatures. by noon, we will see 50s and 60s indicated by the green. santa rosa, 28 to degrees. 30's in napa. mid-40s in san francisco, daly city. 39 degrees for fremont. and for the afternoon, it is going to be really nice. 66 in redwood city. millipede is, and at the 60s for the delta. low 60s for the east bayshore. downtown san francisco 64 degrees downtown san mateo and we are expecting 60s for the north bay. through petaluma 56 effective in novado. high-pressure is in control
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keeping things to dry and mild but a system that will drop down from the gulf of alaska. even if tomorrow evening and showers in the north bay for the wewednesday morning. and even as we see showers for the weekend. gabe slate tech report some great things that you can do with your photographs on your smart phones. >> coming of the 49ers as real look forward to some super bowl action and the martin luther king is honored in oakland. later in this broadcast >> this officer has been a confirmed shot with a non-
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life threatening injuries seminary 2200 block...
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gabe slate tech report wanted to do with those pictures that are on your smart phone. some have shared through with social networks. you could of load them onto your computer for you can try this with a great new mobile application. making it easy to do something tangible with your smart phone postal pix and cheaper print from a retail chain or cheaper from your home computer. they will be even the shift to yourself or someone else. these are able to accommodate traditional
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size photos. and the quality is great. they do a nice balance of printer between math and glossy. and you can get it straight regular friends or in a frame. they have a great aluminum plate option. a one mm glossy scratch resistant surface. for your wall or magnets for your refrigerator. it is a free of location. free application--for your smart phone
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>> coming up at 8:30 the police officer has been shot in the arm. the manhunt is on aright now. this is our carter should with sky 7 abc we will be back partnership aerial photos for over 60,000 california foster children,
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nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child.
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>> we're continuing to follow breaking news were a police officer has been shot. they are searching for a suspect. this 1700 block dan kerman is on the scene
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and joins us with the latest. dan? >> hayes and seminary in the last 30 minutes there has been a lot of police activity. we have seen a lot of officers gathering in front of one locations difficult to tell from this location but what we can say is that there has been a police officer shot. it happened around 6:30 they are none-life threatening injuries. we do not know the situation surrounding this but at this point they are searching for multiple suspects. we do know that there are multiple weapons involved some with large size magazines. we do not know how many, if any are in custody. as i mentioned, there is a lot of activity at this location. it has
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really increased the last 5- 10 minutes. we do know that oakland police are circling this area trying to locate this suspect as we get more information will bring it to you. >> when there is an officer involved shot are there additional officers on the scene? >> we have seen officers and a fire department that have just went down to that location. we do not know why. and a lot of different vehicles go back and forth. again, this is just one location. this is about one location and other agencies from other side. >> pam: dan, thank you and scott is also in the area
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were all of this is going on. scott? >> i am just a few blocks from where stand was. let me show you what is going on behind with several police officers. let me give you an idea of what is gone down the street. as i was driving over i saw several police officers and a swat team members and emergency vehicles with a heavy police presence. there is a couple of blocks down with investigators are out, detectives are trying to put this together and figure out exactly what happened. a very active scene we will continue to stay on top of this as we get more information we will pass it on to you. scott rates, kron 4. >> we will continue to follow this breaking news story in oakland.
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but if you are a die-hard fan who plans to see the game in person. kron 4's vicki liviakis fills us in on the cost of a ticket to the superbowl. sure it's the biggest game around, but fans of the 49ers be prepared. the superbowl comes with a first off, the nfl held a lottery to a thousand tickets available to purchase. if you don't win the lottery and are on the lookout for a ticket, welcome to the secondary market. where as of monday morning the average price for a seat at the superbowl is $3,195 dollars. ka-ching! the cheapest we could find is $1,785 dollars. of course the official list prices according to the nfl are $850, $950, and $1,250 for the superbowl upper and lower bowl and club seats but that's daydreaming. one online ticket for a
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good seat was going for $12,575 dollars, but even if you're willing to pay thru the nose, there's no telling if the ticket is real until gametime. the only guarenteed secondary ticket seller is the nfl ticketmaster ticket exchange. buy from anybody else and you're on your own. good luck. in san francisco, vicki >> pam: of course, the price of a ticket is not the only thing you'll have to pay for if you're heading to the superbowl kron four's charles clifford has a look at the superbowl travel costs. for trains, planes and automobiles >> reporter: so, maybe your thinking about catching a plane to new orleans for the super bowl. let's say you want to leave on saturday febuary 2nd, watch the game on sunday and then come home monday morning. i checked a few online travel sites, and roundtrip flights from sfo to new orleans on those dates are running between 1,275 dollars, which includes multiple stops along the way, up to 1,887 dollar for a direct flight.. round trip. now, of course there's a lot of variation in the
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price if you're willing to leave earlier in the week or come back later, but expect to pay over a thousand dollars if you want to fly to the game. now, maybe you're the thinking of making it a road trip. it's 2,272 miles from san francisco to new orleans, if you consider that the average car gets about 20 miles per gallon and gas is running an average of 3.30 per gallon right now, a round trip would cost about $750 dollars. not to bad, but expect to spend more than 60 hours driving... might want to pack a snack. another option, believe it or not, is that you could actually take an amtrak train. the upside is that a ticket from the bay area to new orleans would only cost about 300 bucks, the downside is that it's a 78 hour trip, which means you would have to spend more a train.. and it detours through chicago. finally, there's always the greyhound would cost between 200 and 300 dollars. if you from san francisco at 10am on friday febuary 1st, you
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would arrive in new orleans around 2:40 sunday afternoon. finally, whatever you take planes, traines or busses, buy your tickets now. prices are bound to go up the longer you wait. clifford kron 4 news. stay with kron4, as we continue in the lead up to the niners- ravens super bowl. updates also available on, and our facebook and twitter feeds. >> 20's to start a bit warmer in oakland. 45 in san francisco, daly city and redwood city and the sunnyvale but taking another look outside a beautiful view. for the east bay inland valleys. and also mid-60s in half moon bay. low 60s also through san francisco. your full forecast coming up including the chance of showers i will tell you all about if.
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price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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>> san francisco police are on the hunt for a gunman who killed a man and neighborhood. -- the officer involved shooting this is an oakland. we will keep you updated on this. and video game maker 'atari' is
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filing for bankruptcy. the company-- along with three of its affiliates filed for bankruptcy protection in a new york court. atari was a trailblazer in developing video games in the '70s and '80s. they are now focusing on smartphone apps and internet-based games. through bankruptcy-- atari hopes to separate itself from its french parent company. and find a buyer to go private in the next several months. >> coming up the latest from the 49ers
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>> we continue to monitor this situation where this police officer was shot. the injury is said to be non a life-threatening. police are swarming this area they are searching for the shooter is involved in this case. you
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can see it is still a very active scene and we will keep you updated on our newscast at 11:00 p.m. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. a car went through the stop sign a bunch of young kids they hit another car plowed through them and hit the pole and came though my yard and into my house >> felix lives at the corner of western and sunset in unincorporated hayward know ans cherryland wehre here it's acytally and 6 way stop that is separated by this set of train tracks, but according to felix rarely any one stops. in fact >> they hit my fence about three or four times >> so here is the part of the problem, see this black utility truck the driver has a stop sign on the other side of the tracks once he crosses the tracks he has a the right of way in other words he dosent have
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to stop however driver that do have to stop often don't and you get a lot of near misses and in somes cases collisions it wasn't hard to see drivers blowing through stop signs but there was one thing i did notice, when i stood in plane view with the camera a lot of the drivers were model citizens however if i was not cleary visible all bets were off, like this silver suv for example first the driver rolled the stop sign then watch this the driver begins his left hand turn at the tracks insteas of at the intersection crossing over the double yellow lines this according the residents was a quiet day, so it might be worth returning when it
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busier maybe with some cith workers that have ticket books in unincorperated hayward stanley roberts kron 4 news if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, e- mail us at m temperatures in the '60s and '70s. for the overnight hours chilly temperatures. waking up to patchy fog in the north bay. below freezing but also dealing with some dense fog that shelburne off. plenty of sunshine for the afternoon. temperatures very similar to today. the futurecast is showing a dark blue or this light blue is fifty's in the south bay. and the east bay shore. for the overnight hours, the pink showing where we could see some 20's and 30's. for those headed out tomorrow temperatures will be in the 50s in the 60s indicated by the green on your screen. 20's for
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santa rosa. mid-40s for san francisco, daly city. below freezing in fairfield. for livermore and the afternoon highs look like upper 60s for the south bay. campbell, cupertino, and milpitas. for the east bay and the valleys. 60s in danville. 63 expected with a low 60s for the east bay shore. 64 degrees in downtown san francisco. and mainly low 60s in the north bay. 60s in santa rosa. and as we do have some satellite and radar pictures with high pressure keeping things to dry and mild. but if those changes with moisture
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dropping down. we can se if we cathrough the cemetery area, click your your kron 4 7 day around the bay cemetery-area, with thursday, san mateo.... area showers possible for the weekend. >> good evening, everybody. these are good times and let us start with them returning home. just to talk about some of these very happy players. >> colin kaepernick. >> there is a jim harbaugh, the coach. >> just to make sure that the cameramen and does not
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waste any time. >> this is called in the car but it just for the record, this was a great, great championship game. for the nfc. 17-0. never before has a team rallied. to pull it out. if the defense did not allowed any points in the second half. center cisco is going to the super bowl for the first time in 18 years and let us hear from the fellows. him i feel good. and i feel so good that i am exhausted. i do not even have words on how i feel. we made it. >> when i look at this team is destined to win. we have a lot of dream makers and a lot of energy, good characters. that is what it
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is all about at the end of the day if you're >> that is what we're supposed to do. >> it just feels great to have your family together and be a part of such a great win. >> i know the we are two weeks away but get ready for harbaugh vs harbaugh. i spoke last time that this is the first time they have matched. thanksgiving day, 2011. alex smith. he sacked nine times a baltimore victorious 16-6. with all due respect and here is, jim and john. >> i probably have one half a coaching experience that he does. but a very proud of
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my brother. i've loved him and that it is a blessing. >> i think that he has done a great job with the team. proud of how he has accomplished and self with a father and husband to a brother and son. >> john is his older brother. but somehow, perhaps they could do a commercial may be fighting over something. >> maybe they could do something with serena and ... >> a good idea. the brothers, get ready. meanwhile, ray lewis you're talking about he knows from the camera is on him and
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there he is. many people remember in 2000. yeterday in atlanta the 49ers dug themselves an early hole that would john harbaugh ray lewis will cap off his hall of fame career in two weeks at the super bowl isn't just the emotional leader, he's the leader on the field as welllewis leads all players in tackles this postseason he's a super bowl mvp and a 13 time pro bowler lewis and company spoke about the big game lewis, harbaugh, flacco >> they are big time threats and we could have to be prepared for a really great >> we visualize ourselves a great football for this time of the year. we have made it this far. >> every big game has to have something where do he
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almost cost it for us. this is undoubtedly, the poorest performance for he was the mvp, i just a few years ago. however, there were not taking any chances that he will change kickers for the super bowl. >> as i mentioned in the pre-game. he always had the ball really well, as shown in that 60 yorker. >> dr. king was honored at a warrior's game. >> on the behalf of myself, we would like to show the accomplishments of dr. martin luther king. >> this is a highs tradition. every martin luther king holiday. a great tradition, and addresses crowd to honor1st quarter blake griffin - takes it to one-handed jam griffin: 26 points, 13 rebs,
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8 assists 4th quarter, warriors up 2 steph curry - great bounce pass on the break to jarrett jack who makes the reverse curry - had four 3-pointers in the 4th, this one to put the warriors up 99-95 and they would never look back curry: 28 points, 6 assists warriors beat the clippers for the third time in four meetings this year warriors win 106-99 warriors improve to 25-15 we will come back with a basketball story
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>> there they are, their
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father gave them one half billion dollars. the sacramento kings was csold to a group in seattle. >> just as a reminder, with a list of elements of the officer involved shooting. and none-life threatening. there is a massive manhunt we will have the latest details tonight at 11:00 p.m. ♪
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